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1. Unless otherwise stated in this statement, the company will retain its Jinxin any and all trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property rights, and other on or associated with the rights of this site. Jinxin Group owns the intellectual property on this site, including all trade secret rights in the rights and ownership of trade secrets, patents, copyright, trademark, proprietary technology, as well as moral rights, and entitled by law to any other rights. Jinxin Group will also have to run this website for any resulting data. Unless the prior written permission of Jinxin Group, you see or read on this site are all protected by copyright law, this statement, except as otherwise provided or permitted. Jinxin Group, neither warrants nor represents that your use is displayed on this site will not infringe or do not belong to Jinxin company the right to unrelated third parties. This site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the reader must pay attention to strict compliance.
2. Although the company has as much as possible Jinxin ensure that the information on this website to be accurate and timely updates included in this site or from the data or information site, or use of any data from this site or the information results arising from any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, misuse, or data conversion, Jinxin shall not accept any responsibility for the company.
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5. Disclaimer
In any context, Jinxin Group and its subsidiaries, and other relevant partners, home school members, associations, related companies, directors, officers, employees, dealers and authorized agents are not responsible for any of the following conditions , even if the user explicitly notified Jinxin company, stating the event of any loss, claim or damage the possibility of no exception. These include: any reliance on the information on this website to make a decision or action; for access or use of this site or its services resulting from any loss, damage, or any direct, indirect, incidental, indirect consequences, special , punishment, and other properties of the claims, including but not limited to the responsibility of the business interruption or loss of data or loss of profits. Jinxin company, and any party mentioned above, the following happened not assume any responsibility, including: you for accessing, browsing and / or use of this website and the services of this website or any information from this website, data, text, images, video, or sound, which causes your computer, any other hardware, software, or other IT systems or other property damage or infection. In addition, any third party in case of unjustified use of this website, as well as the site points in the password, the data or information resulting from any damage, Jinxin company without liability.
6. Legal Notice of this website and its right to amend the Copyright, interpretation are Jinxin Group president to do.
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